Friday 3 October 2014

About Me

Hallo, I am Edna, a mum to my dearest baby boy Larry who has come to us in God's graciousness, brought us lots of joy and shown me a new perspective of life. As a mum who loves her son dearly, I am on a constant lookout for the best or safest things for my child so that he can grow up healthy, strong and happy. These researches, discoveries and experiences will be documented in this site.
Life is full of surprises and Larry has by far been one of the most wonderful surprises for me. My motherhood journey begins when Larry came to us unexpectedly on one of our vacations while I was taking a short break from work. We decided to name our baby Larry as there is an English idiom "As Happy As Larry" and we wanted our child to be always happy. True to his name, Larry always greets me with the sweetest cheery smile every morning. Similar to that of the sunshine that shines upon the country that we live in (Singapore) where it is bright and sunny most of the time. Larry is a happy friendly baby who smiles easily in the company of anyone and whoever that plays with him.

Till now, I am still amazed by how the tummy of a pregnant lady can accommodate a baby of such size, who stays and grows inside the womb for months. Once the baby arrives and breaths air, not only does his small body seem to grow at such a phenomenal speed, his mind develops at a rapid pace too. LIFE is such a MIRACLE! There are times when I am completely exhausted by my very curious and active baby, so much that I secretly wished and even dreamt that I am back at work again away from my energy zapping, attention seeking and opera singing baby. However, I am thankful that I can be around to witness Larry reach his milestones, spend precious moments bonding with him and watch him grow. Whenever Larry looks at me in the eye and gives me a smile, it makes my heart feel so warm and sweet that I feel all energized again to fulfil his curious mind. Yes, his smile seems to be an energy booster for me. Oh well, that's part of motherhood!

In this site, I hope to capture the journey of my motherhood and grow it with Larry. Just like Larry, I am learning and making new discoveries every other day. It can be about Larry, myself, our surroundings, motherhood or life's simple pleasures like food etc. which I hope to document them in this site.

Thanks for visiting my blog and of course I would love to hear from you!
You can either drop me a note at the comment section or via email at and I will try my best to reply to you as soon as I can.

Enjoy your life's journey wherever it might take you!

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